Loom Data Monitoring system is used to collect data from every loom and display at centralize computer. It Display Fabric Length of each loom , Warp break counts , weft break counts , Loom efficiency in % , Beam due length - beam forecasting and tentative time to reach set length of beam , operator performance , Down time or Machine stop time due to various breaks, Machine production speed in Meters Per Minute and Picks per Minute, Date- Shift –Year – Machine – Operator – Style wise reports
Advance microprocessor based unit is installed at each machine to collect production and stoppage signals and transfer to PC via peripherals and interfacing circuits . Various Reports are generated to analysis performance of loom machine , production rate , operator performance , raw material quality etc…
We provides wide range of products for Weaving automation System. With help of On Line Monitoring System , Production Monitor at each Loom , Breakage and Stoppage Monitor at Looms user can improve quality of fabric , lower production cost and work out weak area's in production , raw material and loom machinery.
Rapier Looms
Water Jet Looms
Air Jet Looms
Jacquard Looms
Jute Looms
Power Looms
Textile Weaving House
Application Area in industries….
Contact us for range of Plant Automation Product